Protect your company's bottom line

Direct access to accurate, real-time FX data from a globally recognised market maker.

We have direct access to real-time FX data from all major participants in the interbank market. We are directly connected to over 20 top foreign-exchange banks.

Our technology compiles this data and applies a series of algorithms to remove outliers and achieve the highest degree of accuracy.

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Forex Rate
Forex Rate
100+ sources of market rates

Our rates are algorithmically determined from actual market rates and trusted and redundant sources, including interbank market participants and rates from 100+ Central Banks.

Forex Rate
Aggregated data

We aggregate all the data points from one trading day, calculate a time-weighted average price (or TWAP) and deliver FX data automatically via API, as well as through our cloud-based Historical Currency Converter.

Forex Rate

Forex Rates data has been relied upon by corporations and consumers globally for over 25 years. Our FX converter tool receives over 12 million unique visitors monthly, making it one of the most used currency conversion tools in the world.

Accurate FX data you can trust

How we source our pricing

We examine and interpret prices from each bank in isolation. An algorithm then assigns a trust level to each tick or price and performs a first-order elimination of outliers.

A separate algorithm synthesises trusted ticks from rate providers through a second-order elimination of outliers (stale ticks, off market banks, etc). All trusted ticks are gathered together to create Forex Rates' market (or tradable) price. This means that the published price is seldom generated from a single-source price.

How rate aggregators source their pricing

Rates aggregators do not construct their own transactable price. They offer an indicative price, which may not accurately reflect the real FX market.

This use of non-traded prices lends itself to the occurrence of off-market prices and price spikes that cause distortions when passed to end users. As a market maker and active participant in the electronic FX market, we create transactable prices based on real trading to ensure the most accurate data possible.

Forex Rate

Protect your business. Reassure your auditors

We provide rates that originate from real FX transactions, meaning our data is a true reflection of the market at any time. This means that businesses leveraging Forex Rates don't need to about bad data throwing off their valuations and raising concerns with their auditors.