Historical currency converter

31 years' exchange rate data from a globally trusted provider

Looking for historical FX data? Our historical currency converter offers authoritative data across 38,000 currency pairs dating as far back as 1990. Ideal for auditors, CPA or tax professionals looking to spot check, analyse or report across exchange rate data.

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Forex Rate

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Forex Rate
Forex Rate

Take advantage of over 31 years of accurate exchange rate data from a globally trusted provider

Get accurate daily, weekly, annual or user defined average currency rates. With pricing plans to suit your needs, you can download our data into an excel-ready CSV file or access it via our cloud-based converter which requires no installation.


  • Up to 180 days of historical exchange rates

  • Compare quotes for up to 10 currencies

  • Retrieve rates by custom frequencies

Pro license

  • Compare quotes for up to 10 currencies

  • Retrieve rates by custom frequencies

  • Download historical data to CSV file

  • Over 31 years' historical data

  • Exchange rates from over 100+ central banks

Multi-seat license

  • All Pro license features

  • 25% discount for 5 licenses/seats

  • Add multiple members and accounts

Forex Rate Comparison

Compare up to 10 currencies for free

View and compare up to 10 quote currencies absolutely free. Our API subscription plans enable you to access automated rates for ERP or accounting software.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Forex Rates Rate data is uploaded at 00:00 UTC daily (including weekends and holidays) and represents the previous 24-hour period aligned to UTC-midnight.

Yes. Contact us for a customised quote.

Easy-to-integrate API

Connect our API to your existing system and get instant access to live rates on 200+ currencies, commodities and precious metals.

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Fast, secure and low-cost money transfers

Used by companies in the entertainment, IT, imports and manufacturing sectors to transact, connect and manage currency exchange globally.

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